Saturday, April 7, 2007

Let's Keep Moving Forward

When the Board of Education first approved the budget request in January, it was our belief that it was what was needed to keep our school system moving forward.Initially, an increase of 7.77% was requested. It's important to understand that we were able to keep last year's budget increase lower than expected because we had several one-time savings (lower than anticipated health insurance claims and favorable contract negotiations with the teacher's union) that would not all be available this year. Everyone involved knew that using these one-time savings last year (rather than spreading them over 2 years) would result in a larger budget increase this year.

Budget development begins very early in the year, well before we have complete information on the current year's finances. Given this, we make revisions as new information becomes available. We know we have to achieve our educational goals and keep the tax impact in mind. Dr. Corda and staff have worked hard so that the Board of Education could revise this year's budget request to a more affordable 6.23 % increase. This is what is needed in order to provide an educational program equal to last year, meet contractual obligations and comply with State and Federal law. The decrease of 3.32 million dollars in the Board of Education request as proposed by the Common Council is unacceptable, because the combined cuts in program and instructional infrastructure that will have to be made to reach that number will send us in backwards in time.

The Board of Education’s goals have not changed. We know we need enough teachers to meet our growing enrollment needs at the high schools and keep class sizes within contractual limits at the elementary schools. We must have adequate administrative support to properly supervise students and evaluate teachers. Nothing is more important to the education of our children than providing a safe environment for them and monitoring and supporting their work of teachers. We must support classroom learning with extra-curricular and preschool programs. We must ensure that all the work that has been done collaboratively with teachers to develop new curriculum and set high academic standards for all children is implemented successfully. And we must provide an array of learning opportunities to meet the needs of all students and help all children meet the demands of No Child Left Behind.

These principles guide our budgeting decisions and ensure Norwalk will continue to be a city where families will want to live and educate their children.

Jody Bishop-Pullan and the Norwalk Board of Education